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Monday, February 3, 2014

Chawan, the tea lovers Super Bowls

The Real Super Bowl (2)

So I couldn't help but laugh yesterday, while I have never been that much of a professional football fan, this year I've followed it far less than I have in quite a few years.  Somewhere in the endless mentions of the Super Bowl, I couldn't help but think that as tea lovers and/or pottery loves we all have come to appreciate the Super Bowls known as Chawan.

The Real Super Bowl (7)

So inspired by yesterdays game, today for #MatchaMonday I took out my most gargantuan and favorite Chawan.  I made a large albeit weak bowl tonight, not wanting to risk being wired well into the morning.  I have a love hate relationship with matcha, I love Chawan, but I hate that their uses in tea over all are rather limited.  I love matcha, but I dislike having it more than once a week, but it fades from its peak freshness so quickly.

I will say though the roughly 8 months I went without matcha, lead to my technique falling apart, and turning absolutely horrid.  Though knowing the right temperature, amount of both tea and water are all key components, the number one thing to keep in mind is the whisking motion, which I sadly have lost over time. Well going back to practice it is then...

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