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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bowl Brewing aka Grandpa Style

I have written several times about bowl brewing my teas.  While it is just about as easy as it sounds, it is not quite that easy.  I have found some teas are more finicky than others.   As such I have refined my bowl brewing a little beyond just adding leaves and filling up the bowl with hot water, as depending on the tea that could work or it could end up a bitter mess.  I made a video of today's grandpa style brew to illustrate this.  There is more to my thought processes after the video.

The main difference is a do a "steeping" of sorts geared to establish the root.  My thought processes behind this is, if the tea is on the delicate side, suddenly sitting in a big bowl of fresh off boiling water could do horrible things to the brew.  While an initial 1/3rd fill then letting it sit cool off a bit and steep, shouldn't shock the leaves too much.  Plus the water is cooler so it helps mediate the temperature when you completely fill up the bowl.

Also I mentioned the root, this 1/3rd fill level is a great mental level to keep in your mind when drinking, as you should refill with fresh boiling water each time it hits this 1/3rd level until you want to finish.  A slight added bonus with this initial steeping is it helps resolve the issue of floating leaves.  (It is not fool proof but it helps.)

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