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Thursday, November 26, 2009

O-Cha Oku Yutaka

This is a deep steamed, fukamushi sencha from shizouka. I'm giving my Hagiyaki a break, so I'm using these nice little cups my mother had picked up for my sisters previous birthday.

The aroma is very plesant. Though I need to establish a whole new set of terminology to differentiate these aromas. As this one is uniquely different and I want to say much more intense.

And the taste is nice and mellow with a nutty undertone.

I want to see what the second infusion of this looks like in these cups with white inside. As all sencha's especially fukamushi's have been producing an amazingly green second infusion, which is amazingly stunning in the Super Ao hagi.

Green Tea - For Your Health
green tea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sencha is one of my very favorite teas. It's healthy but not prohibitively expensive like decent Matcha. And it just tastes light and good.

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